Photography Project
Coming Soon
- Its going to be weekly
- Turkish Week, Korean Week, Brazilian Week, American Week, German Wee...
About Photography Project
- More than 100 weeks
- More than 100 nations
- Only in NYC
"We are all beautiful"
This is an album for all of us. Our project, this project is about us! The project of the person who is biologically 99.9% from each place, showing that even in our differences, our differences are very small, and we are actually the same person. Of course, although we are biologically almost identical, our outward appearance and cultural lives have changed our views and perceptions according to the geography where we live. Our differences are our excitement, our inspiration, another window ... our differences are our real strength. As a person living in NYC, we planned the “We are All Beautiful” photography project. It is only human oriented: weekly, one race every week. More than 100 weeks / race. All ages of races featuring baby, child, young, middle age, mature, and old. We focus on humans, 3 people from each category,18 people will represent a race and published on social media and the website in a specified order for a week.
Two looks - Outfit First, it is an outfit that only equals everyone in white. Second, clothes and objects in which all races reflect their culture. There are in-depth interviews with the series version of the project published once a week. In the program, we will give general information about races and cultures. You can help the project in several ways: One is as a participant, 0-1 years old, 7-9 years old, 18-21 years old 37-40 years old 57-60 years old 75-80 years old. To support the project as a participant. Please write PARTICIPANT in the header of the email, indicate your gender, race, age, and where you located. We will definitely contact you. The next way to participate is as crew. If you want to take part in the project, please write CREW in the header of the email, your job, experience and how you can contribute to the project and your contact information. And last as Sponsor. To be the official sponsor of the project, either personally or institutionally, write SPONSOR in the header of the email, add the relevant name, task, institution and contact number.
Omer Salik
CEO & FOUNDER Newnewyorkphotography